Friday, December 17, 2010

Auto Calculate the total in Repeating Table

"Total" displays sum of all the values in the field "Duration", for all the rows in the repeating table.

Select the control that will display the total value, right click and select the "Text Box Properties".
Set the "Default Value" of the field, click on the "fx" button.
Type "sum(fieldname)" in the formula window, where "fieldname" is "EstDuration" in this case.
Make sure "Refresh value when formula is recalculated" checkbox is selected.

Auto Increment Row Number in Repeating Table

When we insert a new row or item in the repeating table, the field i.e "TaskNo" in our case should get auto-generated.

Select the control, right click and select the "Text Box Properties".
Set the "Default Value" of the field, click on the "fx" button.
Type "count(../preceding-sibling::my:Repeating_Table_Name)+1" in thr formula window,
where Repeating_Table_Name is the name of the repeating table group i.e "AddTask" is the example shown".
Make sure "Refresh value when formula is recalculated" check box is selected.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Setting the Current Date as a Default Date

Select the control.
Right click and select "Date Picker Properties".
Select the "fx" button.
Select "Insert Function"
Select "Date" under "Categories"
Select "Today" under "Function"

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Email validation pattern

Set the data validation for the control as below:

Set Rules for the control as below: